Source code for spellchecker.spellchecker

""" SpellChecker Module; simple, intuitive spell checker based on the post by
    Peter Norvig. See: """
import gzip
import json
import pkgutil
import string
import typing
from collections import Counter
from import Iterable

from spellchecker.utils import KeyT, PathOrStr, _parse_into_words, ensure_unicode, load_file, write_file

[docs] class SpellChecker: """The SpellChecker class encapsulates the basics needed to accomplish a simple spell checking algorithm. It is based on the work by Peter Norvig ( Args: language (str): The language of the dictionary to load or None for no dictionary. Supported languages are \ `en`, `es`, `it`, `de`, `fr`, `pt`, `ru`, `lv`, `eu`, and `nl`. Defaults to `en`. A list of languages \ may be provided and all languages will be loaded. local_dictionary (str): The path to a locally stored word frequency dictionary; if provided, no language \ will be loaded distance (int): The edit distance to use. Defaults to 2. case_sensitive (bool): Flag to use a case sensitive dictionary or not, only available when not using a \ language dictionary. Note: Using a case sensitive dictionary can be slow to correct words.""" __slots__ = ["_distance", "_word_frequency", "_tokenizer", "_case_sensitive"] def __init__( self, language: typing.Union[str, typing.Iterable[str], None] = "en", local_dictionary: typing.Optional[PathOrStr] = None, distance: int = 2, tokenizer: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[str], typing.Iterable[str]]] = None, case_sensitive: bool = False, ) -> None: self._distance = 2 # default self.distance = distance # use the setter value check if tokenizer: self._tokenizer = tokenizer else: self._tokenizer = _parse_into_words self._case_sensitive = case_sensitive if not language else False self._word_frequency = WordFrequency(self._tokenizer, self._case_sensitive) if local_dictionary: self._word_frequency.load_dictionary(local_dictionary) elif language: if not isinstance(language, Iterable) or isinstance(language, (str, bytes)): language = [language] for lang in language: filename = f"resources/{lang.lower()}.json.gz" try: json_open = pkgutil.get_data("spellchecker", filename) except FileNotFoundError as exc: msg = f"The provided dictionary language ({lang.lower()}) does not exist!" raise ValueError(msg) from exc if json_open: lang_dict = json.loads(gzip.decompress(json_open).decode("utf-8")) self._word_frequency.load_json(lang_dict) def __contains__(self, key: KeyT) -> bool: """setup easier known checks""" key = ensure_unicode(key) return key in self._word_frequency def __getitem__(self, key: KeyT) -> int: """setup easier frequency checks""" key = ensure_unicode(key) return self._word_frequency[key] def __iter__(self) -> typing.Generator[str, None, None]: """setup iter support""" yield from self._word_frequency.dictionary
[docs] @classmethod def languages(cls) -> typing.Iterable[str]: """list: A list of all official languages supported by the library""" return ["en", "es", "fr", "it", "pt", "de", "ru", "ar", "lv", "eu", "nl"]
@property def word_frequency(self) -> "WordFrequency": """WordFrequency: An encapsulation of the word frequency `dictionary` Note: Not settable""" return self._word_frequency @property def distance(self) -> int: """int: The maximum edit distance to calculate Note: Valid values are 1 or 2; if an invalid value is passed, defaults to 2""" return self._distance @distance.setter def distance(self, val: int) -> None: """set the distance parameter""" tmp = 2 try: if 0 < int(val) <= 2: tmp = val except (ValueError, TypeError): pass self._distance = tmp
[docs] def split_words(self, text: KeyT) -> typing.Iterable[str]: """Split text into individual `words` using either a simple whitespace regex or the passed in tokenizer Args: text (str): The text to split into individual words Returns: list(str): A listing of all words in the provided text""" text = ensure_unicode(text) return self._tokenizer(text)
[docs] def export(self, filepath: PathOrStr, encoding: str = "utf-8", gzipped: bool = True) -> None: """Export the word frequency list for import in the future Args: filepath (str): The filepath to the exported dictionary encoding (str): The encoding of the resulting output gzipped (bool): Whether to gzip the dictionary or not""" data = json.dumps(self.word_frequency.dictionary, sort_keys=True) write_file(filepath, encoding, gzipped, data)
[docs] def word_usage_frequency(self, word: KeyT, total_words: typing.Optional[int] = None) -> float: """Calculate the frequency to the `word` provided as seen across the entire dictionary Args: word (str): The word for which the word probability is calculated total_words (int): The total number of words to use in the calculation; \ use the default for using the whole word frequency Returns: float: The probability that the word is the correct word""" if not total_words: total_words = self._word_frequency.total_words word = ensure_unicode(word) return self._word_frequency.dictionary[word] / total_words
[docs] def correction(self, word: KeyT) -> typing.Optional[str]: """The most probable correct spelling for the word Args: word (str): The word to correct Returns: str: The most likely candidate or None if no correction is present""" word = ensure_unicode(word) candidates = self.candidates(word) if not candidates: return None return max(sorted(list(candidates)), key=self.__getitem__)
[docs] def candidates(self, word: KeyT) -> typing.Optional[typing.Set[str]]: """Generate possible spelling corrections for the provided word up to an edit distance of two, if and only when needed Args: word (str): The word for which to calculate candidate spellings Returns: set: The set of words that are possible candidates or None if there are no candidates""" word = ensure_unicode(word) if self.known([word]): # short-cut if word is correct already return {word} if not self._check_if_should_check(word): return {word} # get edit distance 1... res = list(self.edit_distance_1(word)) tmp = self.known(res) if tmp: return tmp # if still not found, use the edit distance 1 to calc edit distance 2 if self._distance == 2: tmp = self.known(list(self.__edit_distance_alt(res))) if tmp: return tmp return None
[docs] def known(self, words: typing.Iterable[KeyT]) -> typing.Set[str]: """The subset of `words` that appear in the dictionary of words Args: words (list): List of words to determine which are in the corpus Returns: set: The set of those words from the input that are in the corpus""" tmp_words = [ensure_unicode(w) for w in words] tmp = [w if self._case_sensitive else w.lower() for w in tmp_words] return {w for w in tmp if w in self._word_frequency.dictionary and self._check_if_should_check(w)}
[docs] def unknown(self, words: typing.Iterable[KeyT]) -> typing.Set[str]: """The subset of `words` that do not appear in the dictionary Args: words (list): List of words to determine which are not in the corpus Returns: set: The set of those words from the input that are not in the corpus""" tmp_words = [ensure_unicode(w) for w in words] tmp = [w if self._case_sensitive else w.lower() for w in tmp_words if self._check_if_should_check(w)] return {w for w in tmp if w not in self._word_frequency.dictionary}
[docs] def edit_distance_1(self, word: KeyT) -> typing.Set[str]: """Compute all strings that are one edit away from `word` using only the letters in the corpus Args: word (str): The word for which to calculate the edit distance Returns: set: The set of strings that are edit distance one from the provided word""" tmp_word = ensure_unicode(word).lower() if not self._case_sensitive else ensure_unicode(word) if self._check_if_should_check(tmp_word) is False: return {tmp_word} letters = self._word_frequency.letters splits = [(tmp_word[:i], tmp_word[i:]) for i in range(len(tmp_word) + 1)] deletes = [L + R[1:] for L, R in splits if R] transposes = [L + R[1] + R[0] + R[2:] for L, R in splits if len(R) > 1] replaces = [L + c + R[1:] for L, R in splits if R for c in letters] inserts = [L + c + R for L, R in splits for c in letters] return set(deletes + transposes + replaces + inserts)
[docs] def edit_distance_2(self, word: KeyT) -> typing.List[str]: """Compute all strings that are two edits away from `word` using only the letters in the corpus Args: word (str): The word for which to calculate the edit distance Returns: set: The set of strings that are edit distance two from the provided word""" word = ensure_unicode(word).lower() if not self._case_sensitive else ensure_unicode(word) return [e2 for e1 in self.edit_distance_1(word) for e2 in self.edit_distance_1(e1)]
def __edit_distance_alt(self, words: typing.Iterable[KeyT]) -> typing.List[str]: """Compute all strings that are 1 edits away from all the words using only the letters in the corpus Args: words (list): The words for which to calculate the edit distance Returns: set: The set of strings that are edit distance two from the provided words""" tmp_words = [ensure_unicode(w) for w in words] tmp = [w if self._case_sensitive else w.lower() for w in tmp_words if self._check_if_should_check(w)] return [e2 for e1 in tmp for e2 in self.known(self.edit_distance_1(e1))] def _check_if_should_check(self, word: str) -> bool: if len(word) == 1 and word in string.punctuation: return False if len(word) > self._word_frequency.longest_word_length + 3: # allow removal of up to 2 letters return False if word.lower() == "nan": # nan passes the float(word) so this will bypass that issue (#125) return True try: # check if it is a number (int, float, etc) float(word) return False except ValueError: pass return True
[docs] class WordFrequency: """Store the `dictionary` as a word frequency list while allowing for different methods to load the data and update over time""" __slots__ = [ "_dictionary", "_total_words", "_unique_words", "_letters", "_tokenizer", "_case_sensitive", "_longest_word_length", ] def __init__( self, tokenizer: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[str], typing.Iterable[str]]] = None, case_sensitive: bool = False, ) -> None: self._dictionary: typing.Counter = Counter() self._total_words = 0 self._unique_words = 0 self._letters: typing.Set[str] = set() self._case_sensitive = case_sensitive self._longest_word_length = 0 self._tokenizer = _parse_into_words if tokenizer is not None: self._tokenizer = tokenizer # type: ignore def __contains__(self, key: KeyT) -> bool: """turn on contains""" key = ensure_unicode(key) key = key if self._case_sensitive else key.lower() return key in self._dictionary def __getitem__(self, key: KeyT) -> int: """turn on getitem""" key = ensure_unicode(key) key = key if self._case_sensitive else key.lower() return self._dictionary[key] def __iter__(self) -> typing.Generator[str, None, None]: """turn on iter support""" yield from self._dictionary
[docs] def pop(self, key: KeyT, default: typing.Optional[int] = None) -> typing.Optional[int]: """Remove the key and return the associated value or default if not found Args: key (str): The key to remove default (obj): The value to return if key is not present Returns: int | None: Returns the number of instances of key, or None if not in the dictionary""" key = ensure_unicode(key) return self._dictionary.pop(key if self._case_sensitive else key.lower(), default)
@property def dictionary(self) -> typing.Dict[str, int]: """Counter: A counting dictionary of all words in the corpus and the number of times each has been seen Note: Not settable""" return self._dictionary @property def total_words(self) -> int: """int: The sum of all word occurrences in the word frequency dictionary Note: Not settable""" return self._total_words @property def unique_words(self) -> int: """int: The total number of unique words in the word frequency list Note: Not settable""" return self._unique_words @property def letters(self) -> typing.Set[str]: """set: The listing of all letters found within the corpus Note: Not settable""" return self._letters @property def longest_word_length(self) -> int: """int: The longest word length in the dictionary Note: Not settable""" return self._longest_word_length
[docs] def tokenize(self, text: KeyT) -> typing.Iterator[str]: """Tokenize the provided string object into individual words Args: text (str): The string object to tokenize Yields: str: The next `word` in the tokenized string Note: This is the same as the `spellchecker.split_words()` unless a tokenizer function was provided.""" tmp_text = ensure_unicode(text) for word in self._tokenizer(tmp_text): yield word if self._case_sensitive else word.lower()
[docs] def keys(self) -> typing.Iterator[str]: """Iterator over the key of the dictionary Yields: str: The next key in the dictionary Note: This is the same as `spellchecker.words()`""" yield from self._dictionary.keys()
[docs] def words(self) -> typing.Iterator[str]: """Iterator over the words in the dictionary Yields: str: The next word in the dictionary Note: This is the same as `spellchecker.keys()`""" yield from self._dictionary.keys()
[docs] def items(self) -> typing.Generator[typing.Tuple[str, int], None, None]: """Iterator over the words in the dictionary Yields: str: The next word in the dictionary int: The number of instances in the dictionary Note: This is the same as `dict.items()`""" yield from self._dictionary.items()
[docs] def load_dictionary(self, filename: PathOrStr, encoding: str = "utf-8") -> None: """Load in a pre-built word frequency list Args: filename (str): The filepath to the json (optionally gzipped) file to be loaded encoding (str): The encoding of the dictionary""" with load_file(filename, encoding) as data: data = data if self._case_sensitive else data.lower() self._dictionary.update(json.loads(data)) self._update_dictionary()
[docs] def load_json(self, data: typing.Dict[str, int]) -> None: """Load in a pre-built word frequency list Args: data (dict): The dictionary to be loaded""" self._dictionary.update(data) self._update_dictionary()
[docs] def load_text_file( self, filename: PathOrStr, encoding: str = "utf-8", tokenizer: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[str], typing.Iterable[str]]] = None, ) -> None: """Load in a text file from which to generate a word frequency list Args: filename (str): The filepath to the text file to be loaded encoding (str): The encoding of the text file tokenizer (function): The function to use to tokenize a string """ with load_file(filename, encoding=encoding) as data: self.load_text(data, tokenizer)
[docs] def load_text( self, text: KeyT, tokenizer: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[str], typing.Iterable[str]]] = None, ) -> None: """Load text from which to generate a word frequency list Args: text (str): The text to be loaded tokenizer (function): The function to use to tokenize a string """ text = ensure_unicode(text) if tokenizer: words = [x if self._case_sensitive else x.lower() for x in tokenizer(text)] else: words = self.tokenize(text) # type: ignore[assignment] self._dictionary.update(words) self._update_dictionary()
[docs] def load_words(self, words: typing.Iterable[KeyT]) -> None: """Load a list of words from which to generate a word frequency list Args: words (list): The list of words to be loaded""" words = [ensure_unicode(w) for w in words] self._dictionary.update([word if self._case_sensitive else word.lower() for word in words]) self._update_dictionary()
[docs] def add(self, word: KeyT, val: int = 1) -> None: """Add a word to the word frequency list Args: word (str): The word to add val (int): The number of times to insert the word""" word = ensure_unicode(word) self.load_json({word if self._case_sensitive else word.lower(): val})
[docs] def remove_words(self, words: typing.Iterable[KeyT]) -> None: """Remove a list of words from the word frequency list Args: words (list): The list of words to remove""" words = [ensure_unicode(w) for w in words] for word in words: self.pop(word) self._update_dictionary()
[docs] def remove(self, word: KeyT) -> None: """Remove a word from the word frequency list Args: word (str): The word to remove""" self.pop(word) self._update_dictionary()
[docs] def remove_by_threshold(self, threshold: int = 5) -> None: """Remove all words at, or below, the provided threshold Args: threshold (int): The threshold at which a word is to be removed""" to_remove = [k for k, v in self._dictionary.items() if v <= threshold] self.remove_words(to_remove)
def _update_dictionary(self) -> None: """Update the word frequency object""" self._longest_word_length = 0 self._total_words = sum(self._dictionary.values()) self._unique_words = len(self._dictionary.keys()) self._letters = set() for key in self._dictionary: if len(key) > self._longest_word_length: self._longest_word_length = len(key) self._letters.update(key)